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KAIA Member Appointed to Big “I” Committees

The Big “I” has appointed several Kansas agents to national committees.

Bob Fee (Fee Insurance Group), will remain Big “I” Chairman-elect for another year and will be installed as Chairman at the 2021 Big “I” Fall Leadership meeting in Kansas City. More details will be following on that.

Cindy Hower (Kellerman Insurance) will start her second year as Chairperson of the Agents Council for Technology.

Doug Smart (Smart Insurance) will continue to represent Kansas on the Crop Insurance Task Force.

Brock Elliott (Elliott Insurance Group) has been named the national Young Agents Committee.

Finally, KAIA Executive Director, Dave Hulcher, will continue as a member of the Professional Liability Committee.

Being part of a state or national committee is a great way to give back to the industry as a thought leader and stay connected on ways the association is helping serve members.

Contact Joan Sutton if you are interested in joining a committee on either the state or national levels. Visit to learn more about KAIA's current committees.

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