Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and Farm
Partnering with Nationwide has never been easier. To grow your agency, you can access and start building your Nationwide book through ASCK.
What it means to partner with Nationwide through ASCK
Once you get appointed, you can enjoy what Nationwide and KAIA have to offer independent agents.
Get to know you
Nationwide invests time and resources in getting to know you and your agency. When working together, there’s no guessing. Nationwide knows what goes into meeting your business goals, and goes to great lengths to make sure you feel supported enough to achieve them.
Make it easy
Nationwide is focused on making it easier for you to do business. You're pulled in multiple directions. To help you manage everything that needs to get done, it offers easy and efficient solutions so you can spend more time doing what's most important to you.
Be a growth partner
Nationwide is dedicated to your agency's growth. Together, they can help you take the right steps forward. It offers several coverages, tools, and options to help your agency grow.
Sub-appointed agencies are expected to reach $50,000 in personal lines written premium within 12 months or face termination.
Get appointed with Nationwide
Partner with a carrier that supports your flexibility.
Reach out to Ruth to get started on your appointment.
Ruth Wright
Membership Engagement Specialist
(785) 260-8510
Product Information

Personal Lines
- Auto Best Value with options to suit unique preferences
- Home and Car Special Deductibles
- SmartRide and SmartMiles available to insureds for additional discounts
To find out more about coverage options, click here.

Commercial Lines
Let Nationwide help you grow your small commercial portfolio.
Click here for the Kansas appetite guide.

Thanks for your interest!
To be appointed, you must be a licensed independent agent/agency in Kansas or the state where you plan to write business. In addition, Nationwide is looking for independent agents who:
- Have an established history of profitable growth
- Have a spirited drive for acquisition
- Conduct annual business planning
- Have a strong community presence
If this sounds like you, please begin your Nationwide Agent Appointment Request below.
(If you're already appointed and looking to add a line of business or license, contact your sales manager.)